Maori bilingual unit
Te Whānau Āwhina was established in February 2000 as a result of our Maori community's requests for the school to set up a Maori bilingual unit. In 2000 two Maori Enrichment classes were set up following comprehensive community consultation hui.
The name, Te Whānau Āwhina, was chosen by Whaea Martha Enoka, the first kaiako Te Reo. The whakaaro behind this name was to reflect the way the community and the school work very closely together in partnership to enhance Maori student achievement and the engagement of our Maori students in their learning. The establishment of Te Whānau Āwhina immerses students in Te Ao Maori, which includes Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori.
Te Whānau Āwhina has grown into a very vibrant and independent unit. The students holistic achievement is very much celebrated by our Maori community.
We have been very fortunate to have the guidance and tautoko of our Kaumātua, Papa Alec Tairua, who blessed Te Whānau Āwhina at the opening. Since then, he has been a cornerstone of the unit's growth and achievements and his aroha and commitment will never be forgotten.

Te Whānau Āwhina has grown to comprise eight classes;
Team Leader
Dudley Adams
Room 24
Mana-Whenua Ropati (Year 0, 1)FACEBOOK PAGE ROOM 24
room 24 Tui
Carter Ohlson(Year 1) FACEBOOK PAGE RM 25 TUI
Room 21
Maria Pahi (Year 2, 3) Facebook page Room 21
Room 27
Hone Foulds (Year 2, 3) FACEBOOK PAGE ROOM 27 HUIA
Room 23
Richard Maiava (Year 4) Facebook page room 23
Room 26
Noelle Adams (Year 5, 6) FACEBOOK PAGE 26 EKARANUI
Room 20
Matina Grace (Year 6, 7, 8) Facebook Page Room 20
Room 22
Desmond Moemoe (Year 6, 7, 8) Facebook Page Room 22
Each Akomanga in Te Whānau Āwhina was blessed with a significant taonga in 2017. The taonga were individualised manu panels specific to the identity and characteristics of each Akomanga. Inscribed on the panels are uara or matapono (values) that have become synonymous with each Akomanga.

Our new entrants Akomanga 24 are guided through the introductory phase of their learning journey under the prestigious tutelage of the Kiwi. The symbolic flightless manu of Aotearoa keeps our young ones grounded in humility whilst pursuing their learning journey through discovery, investigative inquiry and exploring (Tūhura).

Our Year 1s Akomanga Tui transitions to an upper level on their learning journey through the esteemed instructions of the Tūi. The figurative manu encourages or whakamanawa our young ones to ‘give it a go’ whilst maintaining aroha for others and our environment.

Our Year 4's Akomanga 23 advancement to the higher learning realm through the revered skills of Kōkako. Kōkako are named after their beautiful voices.
Tēnā te Kōkako tokomaunga a te iwi te haere atu nā. Here Kōkako is a metaphor for a chief who speaks well. Tauira in Akomanga 23 will have the voice and korero of the Kōkako

Our Year 2, 3 and 4's Akomanga 21 advancement to the higher learning realm through the revered skills of Pūkeko. This remarkable manu motivates our young learners to be the best that they can be. Being true (Whakapono) to themselves and others when undertaking investigative enquiry develops a caring and respectful learner.

Our Year 2 and 3's Akomanga Huia development is continuously refining under the wise wisdom of the Huia. This sacred manu instils the matapono Tika or that which is right. Learning the difference between what is right and what is not right is an integral learning skill that is fine tuned in our young learners which will be indelibly imprinted in their learning.

Our Year 5 and 6's Akomanga Ekaranui learning growth is further enhanced under the mammoth wings of Ekaranui. Through the progression pathway our young learners learn more about who they are (ko wai ahau) and they take that tool to develop into an all-round learner. Ekaranui offers all learners a safe place (Ahurutanga) to be who they want to be ahakoa iti ahakoa rahi ranei because their safety and wellbeing is paramount.

Our Kohini Year 6, 7 and 8's kotiro mā is Akomanga 20 who are driven to succeed under the angelic korowai of Kahu. This majestic manu personifies success through leadership or Rangatiratanga. Kahu instils self-belief, encouragement and a very strong ‘can do’ attitude into our maturing students so that they are equipped with the capability to take on multiple and challenging tasks without fear.

Now our young rangatahi, our tama mā Years 6, 7 and 8's is Akomanga 22 who are the torch bearers for the virtuous humility of Kōtuku. This honourable manu instils humility and the capability to succeed at the highest level in numerous environments. The notion of synergy or Kotahitanga is key driver in the culture of Akomanga 22.