We are committed to creating an environment where every student has the opportunity to flourish. No two learners are alike, so we place great emphasis on identifying each child’s strengths and needs. It is important to us that we ensure that every student is meeting their appropriate standards and objectives across the school.
Our school offers a wide range of special needs programmes. These are delivered by experienced teachers and support staff. Most times these programmes are implemented out of the classroom in groups of 5 - 6 students. The main objective is to accelerate student progress and achievement to their age appropriate levels.
If your child is selected to be on one of our Special Needs Programmes you will be notified. It is very important that whilst on a special needs programme, your child attends school every day. Irregular attendance may result in your child being taken off the programme.
We welcome parents’ participation if their child is on one of our Special Needs Programmes. We recognise this as being very important. The evidence about this is clear and consistent. When school and home work closely together, outcomes for students improve.